Sunday, September 22, 2024


ISIS denying civilians exit from Anbar: Al-Hashd al-Shaabi Militia

 ISIS denying civilians exit from Anbar: Al-Hashd al-Shaabi Militia

Qaim town’s gate

Entrance to the town of Qaem, Anbar.

Anbar ( Islamic State militants are preventing civilians in Anbar from leaving the province to use them as future human shields against assaults by government and popular militias, Al-Hashed al-Shaabi force commander there said Sunday.

Nazem al-Jugheifi was quoted as saying in statements that people from the western towns of Annah, Rawa and al-Qaem are being from leaving home, knowing that security forces and supporting militias would invade those regions.

“ISIS elements have totally closed the entrances and exits of all the western region under their control, a step meant to lock up civilians to use them as human shields before the security forces and supporting troops,” Jugheifi said, adding that the militants had also dug several tunnels to hinder the advancement of troops.

ISIS is struggling to defend their diminishing strongholds in Iraq as Iraqi government troops, US-led international coalition forces and tribal militias continue to attack their locations. The group has been reportedly taking civilians hostages, most notably in the city of Mosul, a tactic that, according to Iraqi security officials, slows down the pace of operations and requires extra caution to preserve civilians’ safety.