Sunday, September 22, 2024


Army forces kill 2 ISIS suiciders in Anbar, group claims 20 army deaths

 Army forces kill 2 ISIS suiciders in Anbar, group claims 20 army deaths

Iraqi forces during clashes with ISIS in Ramadi, Anbar. File photo.

Iraqi forces during clashes with ISIS in Ramadi, Anbar. File photo.
Iraqi forces during clashes with ISIS in Ramadi, Anbar. File photo.

Anbar ( Iraqi army commanders said forces killed two Islamic State suicide bombers in Anbar while the group claimed 20 deaths among the military troops.

The army’s 7th division said the attackers sneaked into a military outpost on Beiji-Haditha road , west of Ramadi.

“A sentry force managed to kill the suiciders and detonate the explosive belts before they could make it to the facility,” said the division’s commander, Nuaman al-Zawbai. “That did not leave material or human losses among the forces,” he added.

However, ISIS-run news agency, Amaq, said the attackers did enter the facility, engaged with the troops and blew up themselves, leaving more than 20 soldiers dead and some army vehicles destroyed.

ISIS is reportedly confining thousands of civilians in Annah and Rawa as potential human shields while preparations are still underway for an offensive by government and tribal forces against the group there. Security and tribal militias occasionally fight back attacks by ISIS on their locations in the province.