Friday, September 27, 2024


35% of displaced families didn’t return to their liberated areas in Anbar

 35% of displaced families didn’t return to their liberated areas in Anbar

Displaced families. File photo.

Displaced families didnt return to their liberated areas
Displaced families. File photo.

Anbar ( Anbar Provincial Council announced on Wednesday, that 35% of displaced familes didn’t return back to their areas that were liberated from the ISIS grip in the province, due to lack of services and projects.

Member of Anbar Provincial Council Fahed al-Rashed, said in a press statement, “The percentage of displaced families that didn’t return to their liberated areas in Anbar reached 35%, due to lack of services.

“Civilians’ houses were destroyed due to ISIS terrorist attacks, also many displaced children are occupied with studying in the schools of Kurdistan region and other Iraqi provinces,” Rashed added.

“The lack of services and rehabilitation of destructed projects in the cities of Anbar, as well as destruction of national electricity network and civilians houses delayed the return of displaced people,” Rashed explained.

Rashed also emphasized that the council is working to solve all problems to facilitate the return of displaced people.