Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISIS execute 28 in Kirkuk for collaboration with security

 ISIS execute 28 in Kirkuk for collaboration with security

Islamic State execution (representational photo).

Islamic State execution (representational photo).

Kirkuk ( Islamic State (ISIS) militants have executed 28 army recruits and tribal fighters southwest of Kirkuk, a police official said Wednesday.

“ISIS members executed today 28 army and Sahwa recruits by a firing squad at a district in Hawija (55 km southwest of Kirkuk,” said the head of municipalities police, Brig. Gen. Sarhad Qader. “The group executed them over charges of collaboration with government forces and Peshmerga. They had been detained earlier,” he said, adding that the executioners filmed the process.

Since taking over several regions of Iraq in 2014 to establish a self-styled “Islamic Caliphate”, ISIS militants occasionally posted movies and photos of executions of civilians and security personnel over multiple reasons, most commonly collaboration with security authorities.
