Sunday, September 22, 2024


Missan prevents importation of vegetables through crossing point with Iran

MISSAN / The local government in Missan decided on Tuesday to ban the importation of vegetables through the al-Shaib crossing with Iran to encourage farmers and to support the local production, deputy Missan governor said. “The Missan local government issued instructions to officials at al-Shaib crossing point to prevent trucks carrying vegetables from entering Missan,” Khaled Abdulwahed Kebyan told news agency, pointing out that the decision comes after vegetables coming from Iran and Syria flooded the Iraqi market. “A series of meetings were held with the Iranian side to coordinate and develop the work at the crossing point in order not to be limited to commercial movement, but to also include visitors from both countries,” he added. Amara, the capital of Missan, lies 390 km south of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 1