Sunday, September 22, 2024


DNO resumes operations in Kurdistan

ARBIL / Norwegian oil company DNO announced on Tuesday that it will resume its operations in Iraq’s Kurdistan region Kurdistan RegionG), asserting that pending issues with the Kurdish government have been resolved, the company said in a statement. “DNO has been in continuous discussions with the Kurdistan RegionG over the past weeks to address the issues raised in the Notice. Based on these discussions, the Company has sent the following two letters on behalf of the Board of Directors of DNO International ASA,” the company said in a statement received by news agency. “One letter to distinguished leaders in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq and the second letter to minister of natural resources in Kurdistan,” the statement added. “All issues with respect to the Notice from Kurdistan RegionG have now been resolved and DNO is looking forward to continuing its successful cooperation with Kurdistan RegionG to the benefit of the Kurdistan Region and all people of Iraq,” the statement noted. SH (P)/SR 1