Monday, September 23, 2024


Basra braces up for Washington conf. with 120 investment ventures

BASRA / Preparations are underway to participate in a conference in Washington as the Basra Investment Commission is planning to offer 120 investment opportunities in the province during the event, the commission chief said. “The projects are coving the various sectors of production in Basra during the Washington conference which we hope would offer a chance to attract international investment companies,” Hayder Ali told news agency. Washington is hosting a conference on October 13-21, to be attended by more than 750 Iraqi and U.S. businessmen. Ali noted that another conference will be held at the Basra International Airport on Tuesday (Oct. 13), where representatives of eight British companies will be enlightened about investment opportunities in the fields of oil and gas. “The British firms’ representatives are scheduled to pay field visits to a number of government institutions in Basra,” he added. The oil-rich port city of Basra lies 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 1