Monday, September 23, 2024


Refugees get only 25% of UN allocations: parliament

 Refugees get only 25% of UN allocations: parliament

Refugees at al-Jadaa camp in Mosul.

Refugees at al-Jadaa camp in Mosul.
Baghdad ( A member of the Iraqi parliament refugees and migration committee has decried what he described as instances of corruption in United Nations spending on refugees in Iraq, suggesting that refugees receive only 25% of the actual allocations.

Maged Shinkali said Thursday that some UN agencies handling refugees spend 75% of funds allocated for their programs on staff travels.

“We possess statistics regarding funds spent on refugee assistance by UN organizations which denote that 70-75% of those amounts are spent on complementary employee matters such as delegations, travels and salaries. Whatever is delivered to refugees does not exceed 25% at best,” Shinkali stated.

“Some organizations come to Iraq, conduct routine surveys and assessments of refugees conditions before submitting reports requesting allocations,” he said, arguing that the earmarked funds are then spent on matters “that have nothing to do with refugees.”

Shinkali vowed to submit the issue to parliamentary discussions and to contact those organizations for explanation.

The UN estimates the current number of internally displaced people in Iraq by more than three million. Iraqis who fled security forces battles against Islamic State extremists to refugee camps since October stands at 137.000, according to the government, and are regularly reported to suffer difficult living conditions.