Friday, September 20, 2024


Military reinforcements arrive in Baiji to deter IS attacks

 Military reinforcements arrive in Baiji to deter IS attacks

Military reinforcements.

military reinforcements.
Military reinforcements.

Salahuddin ( A security source in Salahuddin province revealed, that large military reinforcements, backed by Army Aviation, arrived in the district of Baiji, to deter the attacks launched by the Islamic state, north of the Province, Alsumaria reported on Monday.

“Extra military troops arrived in the district, at noon today, to deter the attacks launched by the Islamic state, north of Baiji,” the source told Alsumaria News.

“Army Aviation also will participate in the repulsion of the Islamic State’s attack,” the source added.

Earlier today, Mayor of Baiji announced repulsing a violent attack launched by the Islamic State on Mohamed al-Mousa villaged, north of Baiji.