Monday, September 23, 2024


93 Islamic State militants, including senior warden, killed in Mosul airstrikes

 93 Islamic State militants, including senior warden, killed in Mosul airstrikes

Bodies of members of the Islamic State group.

Nineveh (Islamic State) 93 Islamic State militants were killed in airstrikes that targeted areas in eastern and western Mosul on Tuesday, security and local sources told Alsumaria News.

A security source said Iraqi army fighter jets killed 90 militants when they bombed the district of eastern Yaramja. They said two cannon-supplied trucks were destroyed in the strike.

In western Mosul, a local source said a drone pounded a vehicle driven by Islamic State militants, killing three, including a senior member in charge of the extremist group’s prison in the western region: a Mosul resident who became in charge just two weeks earlier.

Iraqi joint government forces, backed by fighter jets and advisers from a US-led military coalition, have been carrying out a major campaign since October to retake Mosul, IS’s last urban stronghold in Iraq which fell to the group in 2014.

Forces have recently reached the eastern bank of the Tigris River which bisects the city, becoming in control over more than 70 percent of that area, and hope to move forward to the west, were militants still control several strongholds.

Conflict in the city has forced 173.000 civilians to flee to refugee camps, and the existence of civilians has proved to be a remarkable hindrance to a faster pace of operations.