Saturday, September 21, 2024


Photos: More Islamic State decoy military equipment found in Mosul

 Photos: More Islamic State decoy military equipment found in Mosul

Fake Hummers used as a meuver technique by Islamic State

Fake Hummers used by the Islamic State

Nineveh ( Iraqi forces have run into more decoy Islamic State combat equipment left by the group at areas recaptured by the government forces in eastern Mosul.

Photos shared by social networks users have shown decoy Hummer vehicles at al-Arabi district, one of the last few districts recaptured by the forces before they declared the full liberation of eastern Mosul on January 24th.

Fake Hummers used by the by Islamic State

The fake vehicles, which turned out to be made of wood, were parked inside a building in the neighborhood.

Fake Hummers used by the Islamic State

This is not the first time Iraqi forces discover decoy equipment belonging to the extremist group. There were earlier incidents in Nineveh and Anbar when troops found mannequins dressed in combat uniforms and tanks made of wood which were used as a deceitful technique to give an impression of the group’s continuous presence.

Fake Hummers used by the Islamic State

Iraqi forces are still awaiting orders to commence a ground invasion of western Mosul, where the militant group still holds districts inhabited by nearly 750,000 civilians. The recapture of Mosul, IS’s largest urban stronghold which the group held since 2014, could constitute a fatal blow to its influence in Iraq.