Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq asks Trump administration to ‘reconsider’ travel ban

 Iraq asks Trump administration to ‘reconsider’ travel ban

Iraq asks Trump administration to ‘reconsider’ travel ban.

Iraq asks Trump administration to 'reconsider' travel ban
Iraq asks Trump administration to ‘reconsider’ travel ban.

(Reuters) Iraq has asked the United States to reconsider the travel ban on its citizens, the foreign ministry said on Monday, taking a more diplomatic line than the Iraqi parliament which had demanded the government “retaliate”.

“It is necessary that the new American administration reconsider this wrong decision,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Noting their cooperation in fighting the Islamic State group, the statement added: “We affirm Iraq’s desire to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.”

By executive order on Friday, President Donald Trump banned U.S. entry for people from seven Muslim-majority countries – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – and temporarily halted the admission of refugees.