Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi jets destroy IS boats, kill 17 militants in western Mosul

 Iraqi jets destroy IS boats, kill 17 militants in western Mosul

Iraqi F16 fighter jet. File photo.

Iraqi F16 fighter jet. File photo.
Nineveh ( Iraqi fighter jets killed 17 Islamic State militants and destroyed six of their boats in western Mosul, the defense ministry media said Tuesday.

The defense ministry’s War Media Cell said the strike, which targeted the district of Badush, was carried out based on intelligence information. Six vehicles belonging to the group were also burned in the strike, according to the media service.

The Iraqi government said on January 24th its forces, backed by U.S.-led international coalition jets and advisers, recaptured the whole of eastern Mosul from Islamic State militants after three months of battles that left 3300 extremists killed. The forces are preparing to invade the west where the extremist group still maintains a majority of territory near its strongholds in Syria. Iraqi and U.S. generals are predicting a more difficult battle there due to the density of residential areas and concerns for the safety of civilians.

Several group fighters have reportedly fled the eastern section to the west via the Tigris River, which bisects the city, and many either drowned or were shot dead by security troops.

The conflict in Mosul has left 191.000 civilians displaced at refugee camps. The United Nations had voiced concerns for the fate of 750.000 civilians still stranded in IS-held districts in western Mosul.