Friday, September 20, 2024


Islamic State seizes “apostates-owned” sheep in Salahuddin

 Islamic State seizes “apostates-owned” sheep in Salahuddin

A sheep market in Nasseriya, Iraq

A sheep market in Nasseriya, Iraq
Salahuddin ( Islamic State militants have seized sheep herds from civilians in Salahuddin under the pretext that they belonged to “apostates”, according to sources.

A local source in the province told Alsumaria News that Islamic State extremists seized the animals from residents of the eastern section of the northern town of Shirqat because they belonged to “apostate” security and government employees.

“Incidents of plundering of civilians belongings by Daesh (Islamic State) have soared as the group attempts to get away with as much bounty as it can before security launch operations to liberate the eastern area,” the source said.

Islamic State is still maintaining a few strongholds in Salahuddin, Anbar and Kirkuk since it took over several Iraqi regions in 2014 to establish its so-called “Islamic Caliphate”. The Iraqi government, backed by a U.S.-led military coalition and popular paramilitary units, is currently fighting the group out of Mosul, its largest stronghold in Iraq, and further operations are expected targeting other pockets after the recapture of Mosul.

Since security operations launched, the group has occasionally been reported to impose taxes and forcibly take away civilian possessions to offset erosion in its warfare finances and to pay delayed salaries for its fighters.