Saturday, September 21, 2024


ISX trading hits ID22b on Sunday

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) on Sunday saw more than 11 billion shares exchanging hands at a value of 22 billion Iraqi dinars ($19 million) with the industrial sector taking the lead. Thanks to non-confirmed news several industrial firms received loans to upgrade their products. During Sunday’s session 11.437 billion shares were traded at a value of 22.399 billion Iraqi dinars in 480 transactions, 19 of them went to non-Iraqi investors with a number of shares of 52.4 million worth 144.9 million, mostly over the industrial sector’s stocks. The ISX witnessed the first e-trading session on April 19 over five registered companies, three banks and two hotels. The banks were the Ashur International Bank (AIB), Al-Mansour Bank and the Iraqi Credit Bank while the hotels were the Ashtar Hotel and Al-Mansour Hotel. On June 7, the Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank and the Warka Bank joined the electronic trading sessions. The ISX now holds three electronic sessions on a weekly basis: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. AmR (P)/SR 1