Saturday, September 21, 2024


PMUs pound Islamic State gathering in w. Mosul before attack

 PMUs pound Islamic State gathering in w. Mosul before attack

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) pound an Islamic State gathering in western Mosul.

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) pound an Islamic State gathering in western Mosul.
Nineveh ( Iraqi paramilitary forces pounded Sunday a gathering of Islamic State militants in western Mosul before carrying out an attack against the forces.

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) said through its media outlet that the force bombarded a gathering of IS fighters west of al Jahaf village, saying they were planning an attack against PMU troops

The announcement comes hours after al-Hashd said they had recaptured eight villages (40 Kilometers of land) near the strategic town of Tal Afar, a major Islamic State stronghold where PMU operations have been concentrated since the launch of operations to liberate Mosul in October.

Iraqi government forces pushed deeper into western Mosul until late Saturday, announcing the recapture of the Mosul Airport and the nearby Ghizlani military camp, with several senior IS commanders announced dead.

Iraqi forces recaptured eastern Mosul late January after three months of fighting, and are carrying on with U.S.-led coalition-backed operations to retake the west since last Sunday.

Iraqi and coalition generals estimated the time needed to retake that area by six months, noting to waning combat and financial capabilities on Islamic State’s behalf.

The United Nations fears fighting in western Mosul could displace at least 250.000 civilians. There are 750.000 civilians estimated to be trapped under IS control in that area.