Friday, September 20, 2024


Security forces, PMUs kill 12 Islamic State members in Salahuddin

 Security forces, PMUs kill 12 Islamic State members in Salahuddin

ISIS elements in Salahuddin. Archival photo.

ISIS elements in Salahuddin. Archival photo.

Salahuddin ( Iraqi security forces and allied paramilitaries killed 12 Islamic State members in two separate offensives in Salahuddin province on Tuesday.

Head of the Tigris Operations command, Mezher al-Ezzawi, said nine IS members were killed in a snap attack in Mutaibija, a militancy hotspot on the borders between Salahuddin and Diyala. He said the attack was carried out by joint army and police troops, backed by an Iraqi aerial cover.

Multiple combat equipment belonging to the extremist group were seized following the offensive, according to Ezzawi.

Meanwhile, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units), said through its media that three IS suicide bombers were killed before carrying out an attack against the forces in Doloiya, southeast of Samarra.

IS has escalated violent attacks against security members and civilians across Iraqi provinces over the months that followed the launch of a security campaign to retake its biggest stronghold in Mosul last October. Observers believe the attacks aim at making up for losses the group has been sustaining in Mosul.