Saturday, September 21, 2024


Video: Islamic State turns railway tunnel into underground ‘training base’

 Video: Islamic State turns railway tunnel into underground ‘training base’

Nineveh ( Iraqi army’s Rapid Response Forces discovered a railway tunnel that was used as training base by the Islamic State group, near the airport, south of the city of Mosul, a video published by Rudaw’s website revealed.

Iraqi commanders said that the Islamic State group was using the railway tunnel as a base to train foreign fighters, children and teens on suicide bombings and warfare, and pointed out that the tunnel contains various training tools and even a shooting range.

To enter the base, which is 10 meters underground and contains several remnants of the Islamic State, you have to go through something like a tunnel.

Inside the tunnel, security forces found a damaged vehicle, apparently used for bomb training, as well as sand bags, training tunnels and other training tools.

The interior walls of the tunnel are decorated with the Islamic State’s flags, drawings of machine guns, and Arabic slogans that said, “We will conquer Rome, God willing.”

“The trainees, as part of their programs, should crawl onto these barrels and get themselves in the mud to pass this phase of training. As you see power has been extended to lighten this base,” An Iraqi commander told Rudaw.

“They have fully equipped it without any shortcomings. The majority of those who used to undergo training here were foreigners,” he added.

The facility was previously constructed by the Iraqi government as a railway tunnel.