Friday, September 27, 2024


Rojava Parties Refuse to Abide by PYD’s Order to Close Headquarters

 Rojava Parties Refuse to Abide by PYD’s Order to Close Headquarters

Members of the Democratic Union Party.

Rojava Parties Refuse to Abide by PYD's Order to Close Headquarters
Members of the Democratic Union Party.

(BasNews) The Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), which rules the Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava) ordered the Rojava political parties to close their headquarters and offices within 24 hours.

However, the Syrian Kurdish political parties, considered by PYD as its rivals, refused to submit to PYD’s order.

Sai’id Omar, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria (KDP-S) leadership, told BasNews on Tuesday “we won’t abide by PYD’s decision,” noting that a great number of people have offered to support them and are expected to take it to the streets against the decision.

He revealed that PYD’s decision was made under the command of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leadership.

PYD has ordered all the unlicensed political parties in Rojava to close their headquarters while none of the parties have official licenses and PYD alone rules the region.