Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraqi forces liberate Jamaliyah Village in western Mosul

 Iraqi forces liberate Jamaliyah Village in western Mosul

Iraqi security forces. File photo.

Iraqi forces liberate Jamaliyah Village in western Mosul
Iraqi security forces. File photo.

Nineveh ( We Are Coming, Nineveh Operations Command announced on Tuesday liberating al-Jamaliyah in the western side of Mosul.

Commander of operations, Lieutenant General Abdel Amir Yarallah, said in a press statement, “Troops of the army’s 16th infantry brigade liberated al-Jamaliyah Village.”

Google Maps view of al-Jamaliyah Village (highlighted in red) that was liberated today by Iraqi security forces.

“Security forces continue liberating all villages and areas east of Badush,” Yarallah further added.

Nineveh Province is witnessing extensive military operations, after Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced launching an offensive to liberate the western side of the city of Mosul, in addition to capturing the last stronghold of the Islamic State in the city.