Monday, September 23, 2024


Establishing steel mill in Basra tackled with British company

BASRA / President of the investment commission said on Monday that he discussed with the manager of the British company (BISCO) the possibility of establishing an iron factory in Khour al-Zubair. “A British delegation chaired by John Moore, President of the Company (BISCO), visited Basra on Monday (Nov. 23) to discuss the possibility of setting up a steel mill in Khour al-Zubair in western Basra,” Haider Ali Fadhel told news agency. John Moore described his serious intentions to set up a steel mill in Khour al-Zubair. Moore met with representatives from different departments in Basra province, including the municipality and the environment departments, to learn more about the required specifications of the plant he intends to build. Moore assisted many British companies in coming to visit the province, including KBR which is interested in investing in the oil sector. He also expressed his satisfaction with the improved security situation, indicating that this is a good start to attract more investors to the province. Fadhel, the president of BIC thanked John Moore for his interest to construct a steel mill, pointing to the importance and the need for such a project due to the numerous investment projects in several sectors, especially projects in the residential sector, which are in a dire need of steel. SH (S)/SR 1