Saturday, September 21, 2024


Barzani to UN Chief: KRG to Hold Independence Referendum “at Earliest Time”

 Barzani to UN Chief: KRG to Hold Independence Referendum “at Earliest Time”

Kurdistan President Masud Barazani meets with U.N chief Antonio Guterres in Erbil (BasNews)

Kurdistan President Masud Barazani meets with U.N chief Antonio Guterres in Erbil (BasNews)
Erbil (BasNews) Kurdistan Region will soon hold a referendum on independence to show the will of the people to the world, said Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani during a meeting with the UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

According to a press release by Kurdistan Region Presidency, the UN chief commended Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) for providing a safe haven to the refugees and IDPs despite grappling with financial challenges.

He also praised the role of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the war against terrorism, saying that the world views Peshmerga with great respect. However, he agreed that the international community must provide the KRG with greater support and that UN will do its utmost to gain more aid for Erbil.

Guterres also expressed his office’s readiness to help Erbil and Baghdad address their differences especially in the post-IS era.

In return, Barzani stressed out that taking in the IDPs and refugees is a “national and humanistic” obligation for Kurds and they could not shirk this responsibility under any excuse.

Thanking the US-led coalition and the UN for standing with Kurdistan Region in the war on terrorism, the Kurdish president pointed out that Kurds are proud that the first major defeat was brought to IS at the hands of the Peshmerga forces.

Concerning the relations between Erbil and Baghdad, Barzani told Guterres that close military coordination has been built between the two sides.