Tuesday, September 24, 2024


10 arrested, munitions seized in Kirkuk

KIRKUK / IraqiNews.com: A combined force arrested 10 persons and seized arms and munitions south and southwest of Kirkuk on Monday, according to a senior police official. “A force from the Kirkuk Districts’ Police Department and the Iraqi army, with aerial backup from the Multi-National Force (MNF), conducted on Monday a wide-scale search raid in villages in al-Zab district, (85 km) southwest of Kirkuk, and al-Daqquq district, (35 km) south of Kirkuk, arresting 10 people, including wanted elements, in accordance with Article 4 on terrorism,” KDPD chief Brig. Sarhad Qader told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The raiding force also seized 67 mortar shells, 20 cannon shells, two incendiary bombs, three timers to booby-trap vehicles, three kilograms of powder, two Kalashnikov assault rifles, a motorbike and more than 50 CDs belonging to the armed group al-Naqshabandiya,” Qader added. The oil-rich Kirkuk, a city of mixed Turkmen, Kurdish and Arab population, lies 250 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 1