Tuesday, September 24, 2024


TNT seized in Kirkuk

KIRKUK / IraqiNews.com: A joint security force seized about five kilograms of TNT and three during a raid southwest of Kirkuk city on Saturday, a local senior security official said. “A combined force from the Kirkuk Districts’ Police Department and the sahwa (awakening) tribal forces seized four bags containing nearly five kilograms of TNT near the village of Zab, al-Abbassi district, (80 km) southwest of Kirkuk,” Brig. Sarhad Qader, the KDPD chief, told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The operation was conducted based on intelligence tip-offs in the area,” he said, not revealing further details. The oil-rich Kirkuk, a city of mixed Arab, Turkmen and Kurdish population, lies 250 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 1