Friday, September 20, 2024


FBI translator flees to Syria to marry IS jihadist

 FBI translator flees to Syria to marry IS jihadist

FBI translator Daniela Greene and German Rapper Denis Cuspert.

FBI translator Daniela Greene and German Rapper Denis Cuspert.

( An FBI translator, called Daniela Greene, traveled to Syria to marry a member of the Islamic State she was supposed to be investigating, after she felt attracted to him, Syria News reported on Wednesday.

In June 2014, Daniela informed her colleagues at the Detroit FBI office that she is leaving to Germany for a couple of weeks to visit her family, instead she traveled to Turkey and crossed the borders to Syria to marry the Islamic State Jihadist, who was identified by the CNN as the German Rapper Denis Cuspert. However, it was not mentioned how the two of them approached each other.

Known as Abu Talha al-Almani in Syria, Cuspert praised Osama bin Laden in a song, while threatened Barack Obama with a throat-slitting gesture and held the head of a man who opposed the terrorist group in a propaganda movie.

According to court documents, Greene, who was born in Czechoslovakia and married to a US soldier, joined the FBI in 2011, then she married Cuspert in 27 June 2014, immediately after arriving in Syria.

Few days later, Greene started to show signs of regret, and emailed a friend, describing herself as weak and saying: “I really made a mess of things this time,” and added, “I am gone and I can’t come back. I am in a very harsh environment and I don’t know how long I will last here, but it doesn’t matter, it’s all a little too late.”

Court documents did not elaborate how Greene fled the IS-held areas in Syria, but after returning to the United States she was arrested, and due to her cooperation, which was described as “significant, long-running and substantial”, she was sentenced to two years in jail.

Details of the extraordinary case of Greene and Cuspert have only emerged after a CNN investigation published in May 2017.