Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Talafar residents arrest bomber, hand him over to army

NINEWA / Local residents in Talafar arrested on Friday a suicide bomber who was wearing a suicide belt in the northern part of the district and handed him over to security agencies, a local security source in Ninewa said. “Residents of al-Kifah neighborhood, northern Talafar, (60 km) northwest of Mosul city, arrested a suicide bomber with an explosive belt strapped to his body and handed him over to the Iraqi army’s 3rd Division, that was near the incident scene,” the source told news agency. “The bomber is from the area of Badosh, west of Mosul, and now he is remanded under investigative custody,” the source added. The man confessed that two others were escorting him but managed to escape from the local residents to an unknown place, he said. The Iraqi forces are now searching for the two persons at large after they cordoned off the area and asked local residents to stay indoors for their own safety, the source noted. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1