Monday, September 23, 2024


Jordanian official denies reports of Syria camp bomb

 Jordanian official denies reports of Syria camp bomb

Representational photo.

Jordanian official denies reports of Syria camp bomb
Representational photo.

(Reuters) A Jordanian military source denied there had been a bomb attack in a Syrian refugee camp near the border with Jordan on Wednesday, after a war monitor said one had occurred.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a small bomb had gone off in a car in Rukban camp, without fatalities, as did a member of the Jaish Ahrar al-Ashair rebel group and another insurgent.

But the Jordanian military source told Reuters: “Our information is that there was no explosion in Rukban camp.” Another member of Jaish Ahrar al-Ashair also said no such explosion had occurred.

There was no immediate explanation for the differing accounts.

A double car bomb attack at the same site killed at least six people on Monday. It was claimed by Islamic State.