Saturday, September 21, 2024


Four more villages liberated in Qairawan, west of Mosul

 Four more villages liberated in Qairawan, west of Mosul

Elements of the paramilitary al-Hashed al-Sha’bi force. Archival photo.

Elements of the paramilitary al-Hashed al-Sha’bi force. Archival photo.
Mosul ( The paramilitary troops have liberated several villages in Qairawan region and blocked an Islamic State supply route, west of Mosul.

In statements on Sunday, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) media service the troops freed villages of al-Mesabas, al-Niliya, Sadet Zawbaa and Thara al-Owaiset in south of Qairawan. “Huge losses in lives and equipments were inflicted on the enemy.”

“The troops cut off an IS supply route that extends between al-Hatmiya and Tal Qasab, north of Qairawan,” according to the statement.

Qairawan, Nineveh (google maps).
Many villages in Qairawan region, a main Islamic State bastion which links between Tal Afar town and the Syrian borders, have been freed since the troops launched an offensive on May 12 to free the region. Last week the troops announced liberated of Sahl Sinjar airbase, located south of Qairawan, in addition to cutting off a main supply route between the freed Tal Banat village and Qairawan.

The eastern side of Mosul was recaptured in January following three months of battles. Another offensive was launched in February to recapture the western flank of the city.

Last week, Brigadier General Yahya Rasool, the military spokesperson said 89.5 percent of western Mosul was liberated with only a few districts remaining under the militants’ control.

Iraqi commanders predict recapturing the remaining parts of the city this month.