Saturday, September 21, 2024


Updated: IS on high alert as emir reportedly killed, headquarters attacked, western Nineveh

 Updated: IS on high alert as emir reportedly killed, headquarters attacked, western Nineveh

IS militants.

IS militants.
Baaj ( Islamic State has been on high alert after three of its headquarters were attacked in central Baaj, western Nineveh, while the group’s emir was reportedly killed local sources from Nineveh province said.

“Islamic State fighters in Baaj have been on high alert. Movements in the eastern and northern sides of the city were banned after three of its headquarters were attacked,” the source who preferred anonymity, told AlSumaria News on Thursday.

“Chaotic situation has been witnessed in Baaj since the morning. Dozens of IS militants took to main streets,” the source added.

“Semi-confirmed news mentioned killing of ‘emir of Baaj’ in Mosul as an airstrike targeted the group militants on an agricultural road, 10 KM away from Baaj,” the source added.

“Several companions of the emir were killed and injured due to the fierce airstrike, which also left five vehicles burnt,” according to the source.

Close to the Iraqi-Iranian borders, Baaj is considered an important IS stronghold.

While major offensives take place in Mosul by Iraqi troops, backed by U.S.-led coalition, other offensives are launched by the paramilitary troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi to liberate neighboring regions in Nineveh province.

On Wednesday evening, the paramilitary troops (Popular Mobilization Units) launched a second phase of operations launched earlier this month to complete the liberation of villages in the vicinity of Qairawan, freed on Tuesday, ahead of advancing toward Baaj, west of Mosul city.

An offensive was launched by PMUs on May 12, which resulted in clearing of Qairawan region, a main Islamic State bastion in west of Mosul which links between Tal Afar town and the Syrian borders, from IS militants on Tuesday.