Friday, September 20, 2024


Another prison for detaining Yazidis found in Qairawan, west of Mosul

 Another prison for detaining Yazidis found in Qairawan, west of Mosul

Islamic State prison in Qairawan, west of Mosul

Islamic State prison in Qairawan, west of Mosul
Qairawan ( The paramilitary troops have seized another prison of Islamic State militants in Qairawan region, west of Mosul city.

In statements on Thursday, the media service of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) said “the 40th brigade seized another Islamic State prison inside a house in the liberated region of Qairawan… which was used to detain the abducted Yazidi women.”

“The prison is a small place with different tools for torturing,” according to the media service.

Earlier on Thursday, the troops liberated villages of Kojo and Tal Ghazi villages, in addition to al-Hatmiya and Qabousiya, northeast of Baaj. Twenty IS militants were killed while two villages of northern and southern Biski were liberated.

PMUs resumed on Wednesday evening the second phase of operations to liberate the remaining villages in the vicinity of Qairawan and Baaj.

On Tuesday, the paramilitary troops announced full liberation of Qairawan, after the first prison of IS was seized in al-Qahira village, south of Qairawan, earlier this week.

Many villages in Qairawan region, a main Islamic State bastion which links between Tal Afar town and the Syrian borders, have been freed since the troops launched an offensive on May 12 to free the region.