Saturday, October 5, 2024


Clashes between IS and Syrian forces near Homs, 8 casualties

 Clashes between IS and Syrian forces near Homs, 8 casualties
Clashes between IS and Syrian forces near Homs, 8 casualties
Representational photo.

Homs ( Eight members of the Syrian government forces were killed, on Thursday, in the clashes that broke out with the Islamic State militants near the city of Palmyra, east of Homs, Qasioun News Agency reported.

This morning, Islamic State militants launched an attack on the locations of the Syrian government forces, then clashes broke out between the two sides, resulting in the killing of eight members of the security forces and destroying two military vehicles.

Meanwhile, the terrorist group withdrew from the vicinity of al-Qaryatayn Town toward al-Buseri, al-Sawana and Khinayfis, east of Palmyra.

Noteworthy, Syrian regime forces and their affiliated militias, backed by Russian Air Force, recently captured several villages and locations from the Islamic State, east of Homs.