Friday, September 20, 2024


Information on al-Qaeda’s intention to target political figures in Diala – commander

DIALA / A military commander said on Monday that his forces will not allow political parties in Diala to bring forces to protect them unless Baghdad and Arbil approves, asserting there is information on al-Qaeda’s intention to target political figures before the parliamentary elections. Commander of the 4th brigade of the army, Brigadier Mouneam Hashem said he called on parties within his brigade’s authority in al-Saadiya, Jalawlaa, Qurtuba in Khanaqin district, east of Baaquba, to register the names of their bodyguards to prepare identification cards for them which allow them to bear arms, noting that the parties were instructed not to bring police, army or Peshmerga forces to protect their headquarters. The coming parliamentary elections will be held on January 16, 2010. Baaquba, the capital of Diala, lies 57 km northeast of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 1