Saturday, September 21, 2024


FM says UNSC debates sending envoy to investigate bloody Wednesday bombings

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari unveiled on Wednesday consultations underway at the U.N. Security Council to name a special envoy to investigate the “bloody Wednesday” bombings that hit the Iraqi capital 55 days ago. Speaking at a press conference in Baghdad, Zebari said that the Iraqi government exerted intensified diplomatic efforts with the secretary general and with the all parties concerned to name a high envoy to investigate the incident. “We managed to convince them to appoint the right person to undertake this mission and we wait for the good news soon,” he added. Iraqi-Syrian relations were damaged in the wake of a string of Aug. 19 attacks in Baghdad that has come to be known as Bloody Wednesday. More than 100 were killed in a string of coordinated attacks on government buildings. Baghdad blamed Baath Party officials in Syria for plotting the attacks, calling on the United Nations to convene an independent panel to examine the incident. SH (P) 1