Monday, September 23, 2024


Suicide attack leaves two killed, five wounded in Diyala

 Suicide attack leaves two killed, five wounded in Diyala

Iraqi police forces in Diyala

Iraqi police forces in Diyala
Diyala ( A suicide attacker killed two and wounded five others in an attack launched midnight against security checkpoint in Diyala province, Anadolu news agency reported on Sunday.

“A suicide bomber driving a booby-trapped car targeted security checkpoint on the main road between Baghdad and Kirkuk at midnight, leaving two persons killed and five injured,” Cap. Habib al-Shemari said.

“The attacker was intending to pass through the security barrier toward Baghdad, however, he blew up the car as security personnel asked to check the car,” Shemari added.

Diyala province, Iraq.
Attacks launched by Islamic State militants against security troops, the pro-government forces and civilians surged over the past few weeks in northeast of Diyala, which urge the Iraqi forces to prevent the militants infiltration between Salahuddin and Kirkuk provinces, especially the regions stretching along Hamreen mountains and Al-Azeem town.

IS holds pivotal regions that link between each of Diyala, Salahuddin and Kirkuk, posing threats to the liberated regions.

According to a monthly count released by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, violence and armed conflicts left 824 Iraqis dead and wounded during the month of May.

Nineveh came on top of the most affected governorates with 354 Iraqi civilians were killed and another 470 injured. Baghdad came in second place with 86 victims and 22 injured. Anbar came third with a total of 136 casualties (47 killed and 89 injured)

The total number of victims marked a rise from 317 Iraqis in April. In March, the victims reached 1115, according to UNAMI.