Monday, September 23, 2024


Belgium extends its mission against IS in Iraq and Syria

 Belgium extends its mission against IS in Iraq and Syria

Belgian warplanes. File photo.

Belgium extends its mission against IS in Iraq and Syria
Belgian warplanes. File photo.

(Syria News) Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel announced, on Saturday, that his country decided to extend its mission within the US-led international coalition fighting the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria.

Michel said that Belgium is an important part of the international coalition against the Islamic State, while added that the Belgian government will allocate 17 million Euros for the military operations against the extremist group.

The current Belgian mission in Iraq and Syria to fight the Islamic State was planned to end this month, but the government decided to extend it for six more months until the end of 2017, Michel explained.

Michek also revealed that the Belgian military will send four F-16 fighter jets along with 100 troops to a base in Jordan to take part in the war against IS in Iraq and Syria.