Friday, September 20, 2024


PUKmedia reveals names of sixth Kurdistan RegionG cabinet ministers

BAGHDAD / A well-informed source revealed to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s website (PUKmedia) on Tuesday the names of the ministers of the sixth Kurdistan’s government headed by Dr. Barham Salih, which is expected to be approved by the Kurdistan’s parliament on Wednesday. The list of 19 ministers include Rauf Rashid (the Ministry of Justice), Sheikh Jaffar Sheikh Mustafa (the Ministry of Peshmerga), Karim Sinjari (the Ministry of Interior), Baiz Talabani (the Ministry of Finance & Economy), Dr. Abdulla Abdul Rahman (the Minister of Natural Resources), Dr. Tahir Hawrami (the Ministry of Health), Safin Muhsen Dzayi (the Ministry of Education), Kamaran Ahmed (the Ministry of Construction), Samir Abdulla (the Ministry of Municipality & Tourism), Dlawar Abdul Aziz Aladdin (the Ministry of Higher Education), Ali Osman (the Ministry of Planning), Asos najibullah (the Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs), Hadi Mahmud (the Ministry of Culture and Youth), Dr. Majid Muhammad Amin (the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs), Jalil Sleman (the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Recourses), Sinan Abdul Khaliq Chalabi (the Ministry of Trade and Industry), Anwar Shabo (the Ministry of Transport & Communications), Kamil Ali Aziz (the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs). The website did not identify the name of the electricity minister. Meanwhile, a leader of the Kurdistan List, who asked to remain anonymous, confirmed these names, asserting to the news agency that the names are “completely true.” SH (S) 1