Saturday, September 21, 2024


FSA counter attacks Assad forces and retakes strategic locations

 FSA counter attacks Assad forces and retakes strategic locations

Representational photo.

FSA counter attacks Assad forces and retakes strategic locations
Representational photo.

(Syria News) The Free Syrian Army, deployed in the Syrian Badiyah, managed to retake strategic locations, after launching a counter-attack on the government forces in the area.

Spokesman for Jaysh Osoud al-Sharqiyah (Sharkiyah lions army, Saad al-Haj, said in a statement that the militias managed, on Wednesday, to fully capture the area of Be’r Mahroutha, killing dozens of Assad forces’ members, including a colonel.

Moreover, FSA troops are now carrying out a military operation to retake Umm Remam area, amid heavy air strikes conducted by the regime forces, he added.

Meanwhile, government forces did not mention the details of the latest military updates in the area, while suspended all battles and operations in the last few days except air strikes.

Assad forces and allied militias advanced against the Free Syrian Army into different areas of the Syrian Badiyah early in July, and seized al-Qasr Village, which is considered one of the most important location in the eastern area of As Suwayda.

It is noteworthy that the troops of the Free Syrian Army are trying to remove the siege imposed by government forces on their locations that extend to Tal Makhoul.

The Free Syrian Army is going through fierce battles against Assad forces and allied militias within the battle codenamed “The land is ours.”