Friday, September 20, 2024


Video: IS fighter with ‘British’ accent threatens Donald Trump of terror attacks in US

 Video: IS fighter with ‘British’ accent threatens Donald Trump of terror attacks in US

A still image of the young man while holding a knife in his right hand as he gestures towards the camera.

Raqqa (Syria News) A young militant belonging to the Islamic State (IS) terror group, with a suspected British accent, has threatened US President Donald Trump and warned of new attacks, according to UK’s Mirror newspaper.

The young militant appeared in a short video where he pledged further violence.

“You may have your eyes on Raqqa and Mosul but we have our eyes on Constantinople [Istanbul] and Rome,” he said. “We will slaughter you in your own houses,” he added.

The Mirror said that it is believed the video was recorded in Raqqa, which served as ISIS’ de facto capital after militants seized the city in 2013.

The IS had suffered losses in Iraq and Syria, as the Iraqi government declared victory over Islamic State militants in western Mosul last month, saying it concluded more than eight months of battles to recapture the city, which the militants held as the capital of their self-styled “caliphate” since 2014, while the eastern side of the city was retaken late January.

Meanwhile in Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported last week that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has captured half the city of Raqqa.