Friday, September 20, 2024


UN proposal “strange backpedaling” on stance on elections law-KA

BAGHDAD / The Kurdistan Alliance (KA) on Monday described a recent UN proposal about the disputed elections law as a “strange backpedaling” on its stance towards the bill. “The bloc considers the UN proposal for the allocation of one seat for each of the Arab and Turkmen constituents among the compensatory seats and the non-allocation of seats for the Kurds as a strange backpedaling on the mission’s stance in Iraq,” the head of the Kurdistan Islamic Union bloc, Saadi al-Barzanji, said in a press conference held at the Baghdad-based Conferences Palace, which was attended by news agency. Barzanji has also slammed another UN proposal to adopt a 1957 census for Kirkuk City, which he said disregards the State Administration Law that revealed border manipulation by the former regime that aimed to achieve political purposes. SS (P) 1