Saturday, September 28, 2024


U.S. forces evacuate spies planted within IS from Mosul

 U.S. forces evacuate spies planted within IS from Mosul

A U.S. Navy MH-60 helicopter prepares to land in a file photo. REUTERS/Alberto Lowe

A U.S. Navy MH-60 helicopter prepares to land in a file photo. REUTERS/Alberto Lowe

Baghdad ( United States forces have recently made an airdrop of troops to evacuate spies it had planted within Islamic State ranks from Mosul, a military source was quoted saying.

Lonon-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi quoted an unnamed Iraqi military source saying that U.S. forces, which had backed Iraqi government troops operations against IS militants, recently conducted an airdrop of troops west of al-Shura region, south of Mosul, to evacuate a number of informants planted within the extremist group’s ranks.

The same source added that the coalition’s warplanes carried out an airstrike three kilometers away from the scene of the evacuation operation, targeting an underground tunnel used by the group in Zalhafa village.

“Iraqi Forces received notices from the American forces saying they were heading to the scene of the strike to get DNA samples from the dead militants’ for analysis,” the source told the newspaper. It appeared that most of the leaders killed in the raid were former detainees by the United States between 2003 and 2011, the source revealed, adding that DNA tests identified one of them as Abu Yahia al-Iraqi, then the Islamic State’s “mayor of Mosul”.

There have been occasional reports of the Islamic State executing civilians, security agents and even its members for collaborating with security authorities.