Saturday, September 28, 2024


Two police personnel killed, injured in armed attack, western Mosul

 Two police personnel killed, injured in armed attack, western Mosul

Members of the Iraqi Federal Police clash with the Islamic State fighters in western Mosul. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed

Members of the Iraqi Federal Police clash with the Islamic State fighters in western Mosul. REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed
Mosul ( Two Federal Police personnel were killed and injured in an armed attack in western Mosul, an Iraqi informed security source was quoted saying.

“Unknown gunmen attacked a Federal Police checkpoint in Tal al-Romman region in western Mosul, killing one policeman and injuring the other before escaping toward unidentified destination,” Lieutenant Ali Ahmed al-Ramadani, of Federal Police, told Anadolu Agency.

The perpetrators belong to the Islamic State cells which seek destabilizing the liberated regions, Ramadani said.

In related news, Cap. Ibrahim Raad al-Saher, of Federal Police’s engineering department, told Anadolu that “troops, in coordination with senior military official exploded two booby-trapped houses to prevent losses among civilians or troops, in case they were left undetonated.”

“The explosion took place after more than ten hours of work as the personnel could not defuse the explosives being developed ones,” Saher added.

Violence in the country has surged further with the emergence of Islamic State Sunni extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

Despite declaring the victory over IS in Mosul in July, observers say IS is believed to constitute a security threat even after the group’s defeat at its main havens across Iraqi provinces.’’

More than 500 Iraqis were killed and injured during July due to violence and armed conflicts, according to a monthly count by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI).