Saturday, September 21, 2024


Syrian rebels deny humanitarian aid arrive in eastern Ghouta

 Syrian rebels deny humanitarian aid arrive in eastern Ghouta

Representational photo.

Syrian rebels deny humanitarian aid arrive in eastern Ghouta
Representational photo.

Damascus (Syria News) Sources belonging to the Syrian opposition denied, this morning, Russian claims that humanitarian aid has arrived in the villages and towns of eastern Ghouta, in the countryside of Damascus, Qasioun News reported.

The sources said that it a humanitarian aid convoy was scheduled to arrive in the eastern Ghouta at 11:00 am today, without giving further information about the quantity of type of this aid.

The rebels’ denial came after Russian media sources claimed that nearly 30 tons of humanitarian aid has arrived in the de-escalation zones in the eastern Ghouta of Damascus.

The Syrian opposition has previously denied the Russian claims of sending humanitarian aid to the de-escalation zones, in the northern countryside of Homs.

It is noteworthy that the eastern Ghouta of Damascus was considered a de-escalation zone, according to a deal conducted between Russia and the Syrian rebels, late last month.