Friday, September 20, 2024


Relics of 500 prisoners from 2014 massacre found in Mosul

 Relics of 500 prisoners from 2014 massacre found in Mosul

ISIS buried thousands in 72 mass graves in Iraq and Syria

ISIS buried thousands in 72 mass graves in Iraq and Syria

Mosul ( The relics of 500 prisoners executed by Islamic State militants in 2014 were found Friday in Mosul, Iraqi military media reported.

The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell said two mass graves containing 500 corpses of Badush Prison inmates were found, with one grave containing 30 relics and the other 470.

According to HRW, in June 2014, Islamic State members attacked Badush prison and killed more than 670 Shia prisoners after separating out Sunni prisoners. Islamic State also reportedly held hundreds of kidnapped women from Iraq’s Yazidi minority at the prison.

Iraqi forces took over Badush prison in March as part of a campaign to drive IS militants out of Mosul, which ended successfully early July.

Since they emerged in 2014 to proclaim a “caliphate” rule from Mosul, Islamic State militants executed hundreds of Iraqis for multiple reasons ranging from collaboration with security forces, to fleeing the group’s holdouts, to violating the group’s extreme religious code.

Iraqi government and paramilitary forces have regularly run into mass graves of mass graves