Friday, September 20, 2024


Three Yazidi women rescued from Islamic State captivity in Tal Afar

 Three Yazidi women rescued from Islamic State captivity in Tal Afar

Yazidi migrants in northern Iraq.

Yazidi migrants in northern Iraq.

Dohuk ( Kurdish authorities said Monday that three women from the Yazidi minority had been released from their Islamic State captors in Tal Afar as Iraqi forces near victory over the militant group there.

The Kurdistan Region office on Yazidi abductees said the released females were a 40-year-old woman and two girls aged 14 and 19.

“The abductees were released with the help of benevolent locals,” office head Hussein Qaidi said in statements to BasNews, giving no mroe details.

A statistic released by the Kurdistan Region Government’s Endowments and Religious Affairs Ministry in July said Islamic State’s massacres of Yazidis forced nearly 360.000 of the religious minority to flee their areas. It said IS had  kidnapped 6417 Yazidis since 2014, the report added. Those included 1102 women and 1655 children, the statistics show, adding that authorities had run into 43 mass graves of Yazidi victims slaughtered by IS,.

Islamic State massacred and enslaved thousands of Yazidis when they overran their Sinjar region, west of Nineveh.

Iraqi government forces and allied paramilitary troops are currently nearing victory over Islamic State members in Tal Afar, an anticipated development that would mean a total collapse of the group’s self-styled “caliphate” declared in 2014.