Saturday, September 21, 2024


Military media: forces kill 17 Islamic State members in Tal Afar

 Military media: forces kill 17 Islamic State members in Tal Afar

A tank of Iraqi army fires against Islamic State militants at Al Jazeera neighbourhood of Tal Afar, Iraq, August 23, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

A tank of Iraqi army fires against Islamic State militants at Al Jazeera neighbourhood of Tal Afar, Iraq, August 23, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Tal Afar ( Iraqi army forces killed 17 Islamic State members in Nineveh on Wednesday as they continue efforts to purge areas recaptured from the militant group, military media said.

The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell said the army’s 15th division killed 17 militants while combing the Ayyadiah region, northwest of Tal Afar, Islamic State’s last bastion in Nineveh which joint forces took over late August.

Six of the killed militants, who attacked the army force during the combing patrols, wore explosive belts, according to the media service.

Troops also managed to set free three women who were held by the militants, the statement added.

Iraq government forces recaptured Mosul, Islamic State’s former capital in Iraq, early July, and later headed west to Tal Afar, regaining control there late August. Militants had lost up to 30.000 fighters during both campaigns, according to military officials.

The Joint Operations Command has marked the IS-held town of Hawija, southwest of Kirkuk, as its next target of operations. Islamic State militants are still holding a few remaining havens in Anbar and Salahuddin-Diyala borders.