Saturday, September 21, 2024


Turkey donates $100,000 to Salihiya relief fund

BAGHDAD / The Turkish ambassador in Iraq has reiterated his country’s condemnation of the recent Baghdad blasts, saying his government will give $100,000 U.S. dollars in donation to the Salihiya Relief Fund, opened by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi. “The Turkish ambassador in Baghdad, Murat Ozcelik, expressed his country’s condemnation and denunciation of the terrorists acts that have recently targeted the Ministry of Justice and Baghdad’s provincial council,” according to a statement released by Hashemi’s office and received by news agency. On October 25, two truck bombs hit the Iraqi Ministry of Justice and Baghdad’s provincial council, leaving 140 persons dead and 860 others wounded, according to the latest figures released by the Iraqi police. The blasts were the deadliest attacks in Baghdad since August 19, 2009, when a series of bombings struck the ministries of foreign affairs and finance and caused great damage to close neighborhoods, particularly to a residential compound in al-Salihiya. SS (P) 1