Friday, September 20, 2024


Shia-led paramilitaries deny clashes with Kurdish troops in Sinjar

 Shia-led paramilitaries deny clashes with Kurdish troops in Sinjar

Sinjar district.

Sinjar district.
Sinjar ( The pro-government Shia-led paramilitary troops have denied clashes with Kurdish forces deployed in west of Mosul.

The official website of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) quoted Ra’id al-Karawi, commander of the 40th brigade, said, “news circulated in media over clashes with Peshmerga in Sinjar are untrue.”

“Nobody was killed or captivated in those alleged incidents,” Karawi added.

Ghayyath Suruji, of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, said on Friday three PMF personnel were killed, while 12 others were captivated by the Kurdish Sinjar Protection Units, affiliated to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.

Speaking to Alghad Press, Suruji said verbal wrangles occurred between the two sides resulting in clashes, which left three PMFs killed and twelve others captivated.

“The clashes stopped after PMFs personnel escaped and others were held,” Suruji said adding that the wounded PMFs personnel are being treated by the Kurdish troops.

Thousands of Yazidi Kurds fled Sinjar to nearby mountain areas following its fall to Islamic State militants in August 2014. The extremist group massacred, enslaved and tortured thousands of that sect.

PMUs, an alliance of more than 60 mostly Shia militias, are recognized by the government as a national force under the Prime Minister’s command.