Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Three tribal fighters killed, wounded in Baghdad bomb blast

 Three tribal fighters killed, wounded in Baghdad bomb blast

A man looks at the site where a car packed with explosives blew up yesterday, in Hayy al-Shurta, a Shi’ite district in Baghdad, Iraq February 17, 2017. REUTERS/Ali al-Mashhadani – RTSZ32H

A man looks at the site where a car packed with explosives blew up yesterday, in Hayy al-Shurta, a Shi’ite district in Baghdad, Iraq February 17, 2017. REUTERS/Ali al-Mashhadani – RTSZ32H

Baghdad ( Three Iraqi tribal fighters were killed and wounded in a bomb blast which hit southern Baghdad,a security source was quoted saying.

A security source told Alghad Press that one member of the Tribal Mobilization was killed and two others were wounded when a roadside bomb exploded at Arab Jabbour as their patrol was passing by.
A monthly count by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), which excludes security members deaths, said 196 civilians were killed, while 381 others were wounded due to violence and armed conflicts during the month of September. The fatalities included 10 foreign nationals. Baghdad was the most affected province with 37 deaths and 157 injuries.

The Iraqi capital has seen almost daily bombings and armed attacks against security members, paramilitary troops and civilians since the Iraqi government launched a wide-scale campaign to retake Islamic State-occupied areas in 2016.
While most of of the explosions and attacks went without a claim of responsibility, Islamic State has claimed several incidents.

Some security observers believe that even after Islamic State’s main havens across Iraqi provinces are conquered, the group may still constitute a security threat through sleeper cells and lone wolf attacks. The Iraqi government is currently battling the group out of its last havens in Kirkuk and Anbar.