Monday, September 23, 2024


Islamic State top explosive expert succumbs to death in Diyala

 Islamic State top explosive expert succumbs to death in Diyala

Iraqi soldiers carry weapons during an operation against Islamic State militants in the neighbourhood of Intisar, eastern Mosul, Iraq, December 5, 2016. REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani

Iraqi soldiers carry weapons during an operation against Islamic State militants in the neighbourhood of Intisar, eastern Mosul, Iraq, December 5, 2016. REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani
Diyala ( An Islamic State top explosive expert was killed as security troops set up an ambush for the militants in Diyala, a security source said on Monday.

Speaking to Alghad Press, the source said, “joint troops, backed by al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) set up over the past two days an ambush for IS militants near Qurret Tabah, northeast of Diyala.”

“Three militants were trapped before confrontations started, leaving one killed and two others seriously injured,” the source added.

“One of the injured militants was one of the group’s top explosive experts in the region,” the source said. “Confirmed news indicate that the militant succumbed to death due to his serious wounds over the past few hours.”

Before the militant was killed, according to the source, “he threatened PMFs to kill them using bombs after failure to kill them using mortar missiles.”

“The militant’s brother was killed four years ago while planting a bomb to target civilians in the region,” the source added.

On Saturday, six IS members, including a leader, were killed in airstrikes by the Iraqi army and U.S.-led Coalition jets in northeast of Diyala. Five of them were killed in Coalition airstrike at the outskirts of al-Leheib village, located in al-Zor basin, while the sixth was killed as army jets bombarded a pivotal target on the agricultural road between Bouthja and Kuseiba villages.

On the same day, Iraqi troops regained full control on mountains that stretch out between Diyala and Kirkuk provinces, retaking areas between Zgheitoun bridge reaching until al-Fatha bridge, an area that stretches out 45 kilometers with depth of 15 kilometers.