Friday, September 27, 2024


United Nations: 5.4 million Iraqis displaced by war against IS

 United Nations: 5.4 million Iraqis displaced by war against IS

Displaced children who fled the clashes queue to receive aid from Iraqi security forces in Antesaar neighborhood of Mosul, Iraq, January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani

Displaced children who fled the clashes queue to receive aid from Iraqi security forces in Antesaar neighborhood of Mosul, Iraq, January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Alaa Al-Marjani
( The United Nations has estimated the number of civilians displaced by the war ongoing in Iraq since 2014 at more than four million persons.

In a statement issued on Monday, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Lise Grande, said “More than 5.4 million civilians have been displaced in Iraq since 2014.”

Grande highlighted importance of protecting lives of people who were affected by the war. “International humanitarian law is clear. Everything must be done to ensure people are safe and have access to the assistance they need.”

Grande also expressed concern about disabled people, the elderly and the children. Hundreds of thousands of people, including tens of thousands of very young children, have been exposed to extreme danger, stress, and trauma and will require years of specialized support and care.”

In related news, Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, expressed worries about the safety of civilians, even after the fighting in and near Hawija, southwest of Kirkuk, came to an end.

On Saturday, the Joint Operations Command announced concluding the second phase of Hawija offensive, killing 385 IS members, including five snipers. 150 villages in Hawija were freed, in addition to al-Abbassi region and the northern side of the town. Lt. Gen. Abdul Amir Yarallah, commander of Hawija Operations, said Federal Police, the rapid Response forces and PMFs accomplished their targets of the second phase.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi declared last week liberation of Hawija. The second phase of the offensive was launched in late September.